Struggling with a tough class? Bentley University has you covered with a wide array of support services designed to help students succeed. Whether it’s meeting with professors during office hours, getting assistance from specialized learning labs across campus, or getting personalized tutoring sessions – students have access to plenty of resources. The Trading Room, Writing Center, ESOL Center, CLIC, CIS Sandbox, LEAF, Math Learning Center, and Media and Culture Lab all offer drop-in help. However, for more ongoing personalized assistance, the Peer Tutoring Program provides tutoring sessions to ensure students stay on track.
Inside Bentley’s Peer Tutoring Program
The Peer Tutoring Program offers academic assistance through peer tutors who are committed to helping students excel.
What Students Can Expect from Peer Tutoring
- One-on-One Tutoring: The Peer Tutoring Program offers weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions, providing personalized support to address the specific needs of each tutee.
- Small Group Tutoring: The Peer Tutoring Program offers weekly tutoring sessions run by a few tutors who work with a small group of students in the same subject.
- Geek Squad: The Peer Tutoring Program offers large-scale tutor-led review sessions for major exams in a variety of subjects, including accounting, economics, finance, and math.
- Peer Academic Mentoring: The Peer Tutoring Program offers weekly one-on-one academic mentoring sessions and group workshops to teach you to manage your time better and avoid procrastinating, plan out your weekly schedule to meet assignment deadlines, develop more effective study skills and exam prep strategies, etc.
2023 – 2024 Results Bentley’s Peer Tutoring Program continues to show strong results. 98% of students said tutoring helped improve their understanding of course material, 88.5% reported improved academic performance as a result of tutoring, and 99% said they would request tutoring again if needed.
To learn more and get the support you need, visit: